If you have a pool, then you know first hand that the visits your pool cleaner makes to your home to clean the pool and make sure the chemicals are right isn't nearly enough to keep the pool clean each time you want to swim in it. In fact, if you have trees or shrubs in your yard as most people do, then it's possible that you have a routine of netting the pool before you swim in it, every time.

If you have a pool screen installed around your pool, then the screen will protect the pool on all fronts. It will cover the top of the pool and also offer a protective screen all around it. If you have the screen start at the edge of your home, then normally this could get in the way of the gutters, but a gutter access pool screen covers the pool and still allows access to the gutters. Here are some of the many benefits of a gutter access pool screen that are in addition to keeping the pool free of normal debris:

Protection From Storm-Related Mess

Having leaves, twigs, and bugs land in your pool daily is a whole different thing than the mess that you can find after a storm. If you have a good storm come through, then you can find so much debris in your pool that you won't be able to clean things up with your net. This can prevent you from swimming in your pool until after your pool person has come out to thoroughly clean it. Your screen can prevent all that mess, so you can enjoy your pool while your neighbors are jealously waiting for their pool person.

Protection for Animals

If you have animals, then having the screen around the pool is a good way to make sure the pets aren't able to get in it. Even if you don't have pets of your own, you will know that someone else's pets won't be able to get to the pool either. The screen will even prevent birds or even squirrels from accidentally ending up in the pool.

Protection From the Brightness of the Sun

While there is no better protection from the sun than sunscreen, having a screen over the pool will cut down on the sun in a way that makes the pool area more comfortable for your eyes and that helps to cut down on some of the heat of the sun.
